an Akita Inu walking in the grass

Introducing the Akita

Find out all you need to know about the Akita Inu: its characteristics, behavior, education and price.

The Akita

The Akita, a symbol of loyalty and dignity

an Akita Inu sitting quietly

The Akita's origins trace back to the mountainous regions of northern Japan, where they were revered and employed by nobility for hunting and protection. Recognized for their dignified presence, the Akita has gained international fame, not only for their impressive stature but also for their unwavering loyalty, epitomized by the legendary Hachiko.

This breed excels in various roles, from being a vigilant guard dog to a compassionate therapy dog. Known for their calm demeanor, the Akita is intensely loyal, affectionate towards family members, and often reserved around strangers.

Akita dog fact file

This section outlines the unique features of the Akita breed.


The Akita Inu belongs to group 5 of the Spitz-type dogs, renowned for their independence and strong personality. These breeds are often admired for their loyalty and adaptability.


Males generally measure 26 to 28 inches and weigh between 100 and 130 pounds. Females are slightly smaller and generally weigh between 70 and 100 pounds.

Coat length

Akitas possess a thick double coat, with a dense undercoat that provides insulation and a longer, harsher outer coat. This double layer is essential for their originally cold climate.

Coat color

Akita coats can exhibit a variety of colors, including white, brindle, and pinto. Each color can range in intensity and distribution, with some showcasing striking patterns and markings.

Living environment

They are adaptable to both urban and rural settings but thrive best in homes with ample space. A secure yard is ideal for them to exercise and play safely.


While Akitas are loyal and affectionate with their family, they can be reserved around strangers and other animals. Early socialization is crucial.


Generally robust, they are, however, prone to certain genetic conditions such as hip dysplasia and autoimmune diseases.


Akitas are intelligent but can be strong-willed, requiring consistent and patient training. Positive reinforcement techniques work the best.

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The Akita, majestic and noble in stance

The Akita is a large, strong breed that emanates strength and majesty from its commanding stance. They have a large face and an attentive expression, accentuated by small, deep-set eyes.

Size and weight of the Akita

An akita inu lying on the ground next to another, smaller akita inu.

Akitas are among the larger dog breeds, with females typically standing 24 to 26 inches tall and males reaching 26 to 28 inches. Females usually weigh between 70 to 100 pounds, while males are heftier, ranging from 100 to 130 pounds.

This breed experiences a swift growth phase, with puppies growing rapidly during their first few months. They tend to reach their full height by about one year of age but may continue to fill out and gain muscle mass until they are around two years old.

The coat of the Akita

An Akita Inu in the forest looking to the side.

Coat length

The Akita Inu is distinguished by its double coat, with a thick, dense undercoat and a longer, stiffer topcoat. Coat length varies, but is generally medium, offering excellent protection against varied weather conditions. The coat can be slightly wavy, especially on the back and tail.

Coat color

The Akita Inu boasts an impressive range of coat colors, from pure white to red, brindle, and sesame. Each color has its own nuances, making each Akita Inu a unique individual.

An Akita Inu at the groomer, being brushed.

Coat care

The Akita's thick coat requires regular grooming to maintain its health and appearance. They shed moderately throughout the year and heavily during the shedding seasons of spring and autumn. During these periods, daily brushing becomes essential to remove loose fur and prevent matting.

Regular grooming not only helps manage shedding but also distributes natural oils throughout the coat, keeping it healthy and glossy. While Akitas are relatively clean and often groom themselves like cats, they do need occasional baths - every few months or so, or as needed. It's important to keep their grooming routine consistent, using dog-specific shampoos to avoid irritation, and to check regularly for any signs of skin issues or parasites.

Other characteristics of the Akita

Profile of an Akita Inu, sticking out its tongue.

Physical features

The Akita Inu has a balanced, majestic physique, reflecting both power and grace. Its head is broad and massive, with a prominent forehead and short, strong muzzle. Its small, almost triangular, dark-brown eyes express a remarkable intensity.

Their small, erect ears are carried proudly on top of their head, contributing to their alert, noble appearance. The Akita Inu's body is robust and muscular, revealing restrained strength. Its thick tail curls over its back, accentuating its natural elegance.


What is the temperament of the Akita?

The Akita is renowned for its loyalty, courage, and dignified demeanor. This breed is known for its deep affection towards its family, coupled with a reserved attitude towards strangers.

Akita dog category

Two young Akita Inu in the grass with a beautiful coat

There are over 400 recognized dog breeds, categorized into ten distinct groups. These groups are formed based on shared characteristics and roles.

The Akita falls into the group 5 known as the Working Group, which includes breeds like the Spitz, Siberian Husky, Great Dane, and Saint Bernard. Dogs in this category are admired for their strength, endurance, and ability to perform demanding tasks.

Akitas, in particular, stand out within this group for their remarkable intelligence, instinctual prowess, and a noble, gentle nature when around their family. Originally bred for hunting large game and guarding, their primary role has evolved to that of a loyal companion and protector.

Behaviour of the Akita

An Akita Inu held on a leash by his master

A loyal and reserved companion

Akitas are known for their dignified and reserved demeanor, often displaying a calm and composed presence in the home. Their loyalty to their family is unparalleled, and they show deep affection to those they trust and bond with. While they may not be overtly demonstrative in their affection, Akitas are deeply attached to their owners and often form a strong, silent bond.

For their well-being and balanced development, Akitas require an owner who is consistently present and attentive, offering them stability and structure.

A happy Akita Inu being petted.

Noble in nature, selective in friendship

They are known for their loyalty to their human family but may be reserved or cautious around strangers. This breed is not typically overly sociable with other dogs, especially those of the same sex, and early socialization is key to fostering a well-adjusted temperament.

Akitas can be good companions for older children who understand how to interact respectfully and gently with large dogs. It is crucial to introduce socialization and gentle training from a young age to ensure that the Akita grows into a well-mannered and sociable adult. Their protective nature makes them excellent watchdogs, but they should always be trained and socialized properly to avoid overly territorial behavior.

The Akita's living environment

An akita inu strolling through the meadows

Adaptable guardian in any setting

The Akita is remarkably adaptable to various living conditions, whether it be in an apartment, house, city, or rural setting. Their adaptability, however, comes with a need for committed attention from their owners.

Akitas thrive in environments where they can receive regular interaction and consistent training. Despite their size, they can adjust to apartment living as long as they are provided with sufficient daily exercise.

It is recommended that Akitas be taken on at least two walks per day, each lasting around 30 to 45 minutes, to maintain their physical health and mental well-being.

An Akita Inu with a toy in its mouth

Space for vigilance and exploration

While the Akita can adapt to different living environments, having access to an outdoor space is beneficial for this breed. It’s crucial that this outdoor space is securely fenced, as Akitas can be territorial and may wander if given the chance.

Additionally, given their thick coat and heritage, Akitas are more comfortable in cooler climates and should have access to shade and water to prevent overheating in warmer temperatures. A well-exercised and mentally stimulated Akita is a content and well-behaved companion in any home.

Training the Akita

An Akita Inu on a leash in the grass

Intelligence and willpower combined

The Akita Inu is a breed with notable intelligence, but also strong independence, which can make training both interesting and challenging. Although capable of learning quickly, the Akita Inu requires a firm, consistent approach to training.

It's important to start training at an early age to establish rules of conduct and boundaries. The use of a GPS collar can be a useful tool for tracking its movements and preventing possible runaways, given its sometimes stubborn and adventurous nature.

Face of a young Akita inu lying on a blanket

Listening and receptivity to education

Despite its independence, the Akita Inu can be a good listener, especially if training is based on mutual respect and understanding. It's essential to positively reinforce good behavior, avoiding punitive or overly rigid methods that can lead to negative reactions.

A well-trained Akita Inu is a loyal, protective, and obedient dog, capable of developing a harmonious and respectful relationship with its owner.

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How to take care of the Akita

The Akita is generally a robust and healthy breed, known for its strength and endurance. However, like all breeds, they require daily care and attention.

The health of the Akita

An Akita Inu sticking out his tongue


Akitas are typically a hardy breed with good overall health, but they are predisposed to certain conditions. Common health issues include hip dysplasia, a genetic joint problem, and autoimmune diseases like sebaceous adenitis. Symptoms can vary, from mobility issues in hip dysplasia to skin problems in autoimmune diseases.

Regular veterinary check-ups can help in the early detection and management of these conditions. Akitas typically have a lifespan of around 10 to 13 years, with proper care contributing to a healthy and happy life.

An Akita Inu at the vet

Routine care

Routine veterinary care is crucial for the Akita's long-term health. This includes regular vaccinations, deworming, and treatments for parasites as recommended by a veterinarian. Daily care at home is equally important.

Their thick coat requires regular brushing to prevent matting and to manage shedding. Ear cleaning, dental care, and nail trimming are also essential to prevent infections and other health issues. Akitas may have specific dietary needs and potential allergies, so it's important to consult with a vet for a suitable diet plan.

While Akitas are not hypoallergenic, regular grooming can help reduce allergens in the home.

Feeding the Akita

Two young Akita Inu with their mouths plunged into their bowls

Daily needs

Akitas, like all dog breeds, have specific dietary requirements that are crucial for maintaining their overall health and vitality. It's recommended to provide Akitas with high-quality kibble that is specifically formulated for large breeds.

For Akitas with higher activity levels or additional protein needs, supplementing their diet with lean meats such as chicken, turkey, or beef can be beneficial. However, it's important to keep fat content in check to avoid unnecessary weight gain. Proper portion control and regular feeding schedules are also vital to prevent overeating, as Akitas can have a hearty appetite.


What does an Akita cost?

If you're considering bringing an Akita into your home, it's important to consider several factors before adopting.

How to choose your Akita

An Akita Inu lying on the grass near a lake

Selecting a responsible breeder

It's crucial to select a reputable breeder, one who prioritizes the health and well-being of their dogs. A visit to the breeder's premises is essential to observe the living conditions and behavior of the puppies and their parents. Prospective Akita owners should inquire about the health of the puppy and its lineage, seeking transparent information about any hereditary conditions.

Identification of your dog

Finally, in the United States, mandatory electronic identification, such as microchipping, is not always required at the federal level for dogs. However, even in the absence of global legislation, microchipping is widely recognized as an effective means of permanently identifying pets and raising the likelihood of missing dogs being reunited with their owners.

As a pet owner, it is advised to inform yourself about municipal laws to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your pet.

Two young Akita inu strolling through the grass

Price of an Akita Inu

The cost of acquiring an Akita puppy can vary significantly based on factors such as lineage, pedigree, the reputation of the breeder, and the puppy's age. Generally, Akita puppies may be priced anywhere from


, depending on these variables.

In addition to the initial purchase price, potential owners should consider the ongoing costs of owning an Akita, which includes veterinary care, food, grooming, and training. Annually, these costs can range from approximately



It's essential for prospective owners to budget not only for the initial cost of the puppy but also for its long-term care and well-being.

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