Weenect Insiders May 2023

Step inside the world of Weenect each month and discover content related to the community and life at our company, including interviews from experts and special reports from the animal kingdom.



In this section you will find content prepared especially for you to join in with! On the agenda: the question of the month, the best photos of your pets, and even video testimonials from the community.

We answer your questions!

Question of the month

"What kind of encounters do you have at trade shows?"

Trade shows are an opportunity for us to meet our clients, prospective clients and suppliers. We take advantage of the event to discuss our partnership with them, see what's working and what can be improved, and present new products to come. It's always a pleasure to work together face-to-face.


Company life

In this section you can find out about daily life at Weenect and the lives of our employees through reports about the trade fairs we attend, our team-building events and the various departments within the company, and through interviews with staff members and important news and updates about our products.


In the Words of Experts

In this section, we take you to meet professionals in the animal world through field reports, or via interviews with experts such as veterinarians, animal educators and pet stores. We also share useful content with you, such as DIYs or guides on animal matters.

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